Most work is produced in Blender and mainly I use it for low-poly objects or just cleaning up and animating voxel models. Recently I tried working with Maya and this is what I got in the most recent work. Seems like I have more modeling skills that I knew.
Most recent models:
I have good understanding of level design and theory behind it. I take choice of paths, difficulty, safe and choke points, fov and mechanics into consideration.

Level Design:
Other Objects:
Here is example of American based house level design made with Unity ProBuilder.
Ground floor.
2nd / Attic floor.
Main Bedroom.
Clear communication of rooms using minimalistic level of detail.

Rigging and Animations:
The main use of blender for me is animating characters.

Setting up a rig using Rigify rigging tool.
Or setting up rig manually and animating it.
This character is made out of loose objects like true voxel model.

Model of my Elliot Greenwood character:
Model of my electric guitar.
Right arm is the coolest part of this model. Hair was rushed.