Sound Effects are something that I also know how to work with. Since I know how to use Vegas Pro, Audacity and sound generating software like BFXR, I am able to record, edit and modify my own sounds on home studio level.
I have acoustic microphone that I can use for a decent quality recordings however it can be set up only at home.

The recording part is simple since all it takes is just tapping bunch of objects or using them in front of the microphone. Create some samples and then edit them to achieve the perfect sounds.

Edit Examples:
I tapped my notebook with hard cover at the stone / brick wall. Here is before and After the modification.
Simple EQ and Reverb make the SFX sound more like stone.
Other Examples:
Here as some variations of same sound using simple Pitch effect or just variation of recordings.
Rubber band and Cloth.
Bites of Apple.
Small plastic piece dropped on wooden windowsill.