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3D Voxel bullet-hell game


"Trove" and "Realm of the Mad God Exalt" combined with RPG elements in plan.


Since the 3D projectile based game is a rare concept, I decided to test it out myself and see weather I can develop this type of game in RPG style.


This project, developed in 3 months, is a living proof that I am capable of becoming indie game developer. This piece of work shows most of my skills, such as Vocel model creation, rigging and animations, AI and states, health systems and many more. The game concept itself turned out to be pretty solid. The problem is the Unity itlelf that keeps creating more issues and bugs as the project gets bigger. I discovered that 3rd person games is not for Unity to handle. Overall, a ton of skills were learned during the work.

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by Elliot Greenwood.

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